Universal Theme for April 2016: The Courage to Be…through Completion, Change, and Caring

If this month finds you wondering how much more change is on the horizon, you’re in good company.

Whether you are ready for a vacation from life or excited about the possibilities, the answer is the same: Change is our constant companion.

April is here to remind us that we have the courage to embrace healthy change that brings us ever closer to our most powerful and radiant selves.

As the numbers and planets align this week, we are being thrust into a hitherto unknown territory that requires us to let go with ease, dignity and compassion. The energies are powerful!

I’ve seen some blogs talking about the ‘bad boys’ of Saturn and Mars getting ready to rock and roll our world.

So, let’s address that…if you know that there’s a lot of energy on its way that needs a strong & flexible container, what can you create?

How might you channel powerful life force energy in ways that generate positive change?

I would love to know what shows up for you! Please go to my Facebook page, Sensuous Wisdom, and share your ideas. Uniting together feels like a great way to embrace the energy, allowing it to shift us into our best selves.

Some questions to consider this month as we continue our transformative journey:

  • What might be keeping you stuck in an unhealthy pattern of relationship (with self or another)?
  • What is ready to emerge from the depths of your experience?

Knowing who you are and how to use your innate power is vital. Understanding your soul’s map and how to navigate the cosmic and earthly shifts is a profound dance of faith and skill.

Now, more than ever, we need confident leaders in all areas of our lives.

  • How do you express your innate leadership abilities?
  • Where can you step up and out a little bit more?

Practical Magic:
Turning off the TV, the phone, the computer and Lighting Candles is still one of my favorite ways to access the mystery that is available to us this month and always.

Key Words:
Courage, Leadership, Power, Completion, Detachment

Recommended Essential Oils:
Young Living Release, Valor
doTERRA Fennel

Things to watch for:
for greater self-expression
Shifts that ultimately create stronger foundations
New career paths
Better relationships

Challenges to navigate:
this year brings relationships & situations to a close for the greater good.
Death: NOT literal, but figuratively what in you needs to die to be reborn?

Affirmations to repeat:

  • I am excited about growing and becoming even more of who I am.
  • Every ending is an opportunity for something new to emerge.[1]

Blessings on their way:
Power, Wisdom, Love

Your Sensuous Wisdom™ Reflection Question:

  1. How does it feel to shed your old skin and experience the pleasure of ‘newness’?

[1] Angeles Arrien, The Tarot Handbook (New York: Tarcher-Putnam, 1987), p. 70.

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