Universal Themes for July 2016:
Healing & Restoration

This month may well be one of the most important months of 2016. In addition to the planetary alignments (and re-alignments), the universal numbers line up for some much needed healing and restoration before moving forward.

The New Moon in Cancer is Monday, July 4th ,  reminding you to nourish yourself and your family, engage in all of your senses, and remember your lineage (biological and/or energetic).

One of the symbols associated with July’s numerology of ‘16’ is the dragon breathing the fire of transformation – dismantling old forms and allowing them to restructure in a healthier way. Fire-breathing-dragons might seem a little dramatic, but the truth is the times they are a-changin’.

(Have you listened to or read the lyrics of Bob Dylan’s song recently? I was surprised to see that it was released the year of my birth, but not surprised that it heralded the Uranus-Pluto conjunction that defined the energy of the 60’s. Take a gander when you get a chance http://bobdylan.com/songs/times-they-are-changin/ . The wheel has circled around again. Uranus and Pluto are alive and well with messages coming through their ‘tense’ connection. What have we learned that we can apply now?)

Despite all the change we’ve already seen and the shifts we feel on the horizon, it’s still too early to say what the healthiest forms of renewal will look like. No matter where you are on the spectrum of ‘we want change’, you can count on the fact that most people want to see a reorganization of systems and want to experience healing that includes more harmony and peace. As you know, the cosmos is filled with messages designed to support our journey.

You might have noticed that the day Mars started moving forward (retrograde since April), the energy shifted into a higher gear. Expect this to continue through the summer. To prepare for Fall (and Saturn turning direct), take some time to connect with what you are learning and how you want things to be different in you own life as well as your community.

Part of this month’s energy includes opening up new pathways of your intuition! Be aware of what ideas, images, and feelings surface. Allow your discernment to bring your consciousness to a place of connected purity.

Restoration and healing need support. Here are some of my suggestions of what to do this month to nurture and nourish your body, mind, and soul (send me your ideas and I’ll post them!):

  • Recharge with nature, at a spa, creating art, or whatever brings your heart more joy and peace. Your time is precious and you know deep down that when you give yourself space to do what you love, you end up with more energy to be more of who you are.
  • Write in a gratitude journal. It has not gone out of style and it works. There’s no faster way to shift your energy than to count your blessings.
  • Meditate and feel your vibrancy. Whether you choose a sitting or a moving meditation, finding your ‘stillpoint’ is powerful magic that restores the mind, body, and soul.

In addition to the mystical aspects of this month, some very practical applications of renewal include:

  • Cleaning your closets and rooms of clutter. Just dusting seriously changes energy (and everything looks better).
  • Reorganizing offices to create more ease (don’t be afraid to ask for help!).
  • Playing. Some of the best nights are spent with friends playing games, collaging, painting pottery and so much more. Summer camp is important for adults, too!
  • Dating your sweetie. Dedicated time together is a necessity for a healthy (and thriving) relationship. Enjoy being with the one you love. This can be as simple as setting aside 2 hours, lighting candles, and including delicious (healthy) massage oil (let me know if you need recommendations).
  • Remembering yourself. Create play dates for you. Julia Cameron calls them ‘artists dates’. Spend time with your inner child, your inner teen, or your adult wise self – whoever is calling – answer and enjoy ‘quality time’.

Key Words: Healing, Change, Restoration

Recommended Essential Oils:
Young Living Inner Child
doTERRA Wild Orange

Things to watch for:
to stay with what you value.
Inspiration to restore from the inside out.

Challenges to navigate:
Fear of failure:
really investigate your definition of success.

Affirmations to repeat:
I have a commitment to actualize who I really am.
My body is a temple for my spirit.
I have the ability to naturally restore and heal myself at all times.[1]

Blessings on their way: Healing, Transformation, and Restoration!

Your Sensuous Wisdom™ Reflection Questions:

  1. How am I spending time with myself to restore, renew, and replenish my sensual and sexual energy?
  1. What activities are nourishing and healing for my body?
  1. Where do I feel the most sensual?

[1] Arrien, Angeles. The Tarot Handbook, p. 84.


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