The Universal Theme for 2017: Planting the Seeds of Fortune

It’s time for the new phases to begin!! Expansion and Abundance come with the willingness to change and keep things moving by taking risks and being open to new opportunities.

The Roman Goddess Fortuna reminds us that our ‘fortune’ is what we make it, how we live, and how we love.

This year, while you are letting go of what does not serve you (relationships, projects, issues), you begin to plant the seeds of what will sustain you for the next phase of life.

This is THE year to ask yourself what you want! Abundance, Prosperity, and Expansion are activated this year in your personal life.

  • What intentions have you created? What goals have you set for yourself?
  • As you vision your life for 2017, what do you notice as you move through each day in your mind’s eye?
  • What support do you need and want to help you move forward with more ease?

The key to this treasure is fluidity – the willingness to change, to let go, to keep moving, to take risks, and be open to new opportunities.

  • What are you doing to create more flexibility in your life (and in your body)?
  • How will you receive new opportunities (that may surprise you!)?

More connection to your intuition brings you closer to your dreams and big visions for the future.

  • In what ways are you listening to your inner voice?
  • What will help you strengthen your intuition this year?

This is your year to make decisions that support your future. We plant seeds this year that will grow over the next 8 years. Plan wisely. Live fully. Love well. Laugh more.

Key Words
Abundance, Prosperity, Expansion, Love, Light, Opportunity

Things to watch for
Unexpected opportunities
to turn your life into more fortunate directions
Dreams – pay attention!
Enhanced creativity
Inspired thinking

Challenges to navigate
Old patterns and habits:
what would you like to release?
Expression/depression: how might you approach any cyclical emotional patterns with more ease?

Affirmations to repeat
I am a prosperous individual who enjoys sharing my inner and outer wealth.
I enjoy manifesting internal abundance and external prosperity.
I am flexible during periods of change.
I am open-minded.
I am an innovator and pioneer.

Blessings on their way
Financial opportunities
or windfalls arrive with each new opening.
The Wheel of Fortune is turning and you are receiving rewards this year. Be open and ready!

Your Sensuous Wisdom™ Reflection Questions

  1. How does prosperity feel in my body?
  1. In what ways do I nurture my inner light?
  1. What is one thing I can do this month to embody my commitment to balance?

Themes for the Year
: Vital Inspiration
February: Change of View
March: Evolution
April: Sensuality
May: Freedom
June: Awakenings
July: Wishes Fulfilled
August: Radical Self Care
September: New Beginnings
October: Intuitive Awareness
November: Global Shifting
December: Taking Risks

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